Communicate With Confidence

Woman with Microphone

Excellent communicators have at least four things in common: They have a positive attitude; they are confident in their ability to communicate and receive the communication; they have clearly defined goals, and they have good people skills. This one day course is designed to boost your confidence in communicating you!  It is a proven fact that good communication … Read more

Emotional Intelligence – The Success Secret

emotions - happy and sad faces

Many people are surprised to learn that Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) is more important to achieving personal, family and work success than intellectual ability (I.Q.).  The good news is that we can develop and enhance our E.Q.  Learn what E.Q. is, what it means to you, and how it can help you build successful relationships.  This … Read more

Respect In The Workplace

handshake deal over table

Assertiveness is a way of thinking and behaving that allows a person to stand up for his or her rights while respecting the rights of others.  Nonassertive people may be passive or aggressive.  Passive individuals are not committed to their own rights and are more likely to allow others to infringe on their rights than … Read more