Building Resilience In The Workplace: Bouncing Back When The Going Gets Tough

Changes in the workplace appear to be out of control. Our ability to succeed in the face of these changes constantly challenges us to be flexible and roll with the changes. This is not always easy for us, and whether we have too much work or too little work, it can lead to frustration and stress.

The good news is that whatever your work or life situation, you can always build on your ability to persevere and adapt in the face of these changes. This is your resilience factor, the personal strength that you need to overcome adversity.

This course will help you to build on your workplace resilience and create the “unstoppable you”.

This is a 3 or 6 hour course.

You will:

  1. Your present resilience factor and how to build on it
  2. To discover the secrets to building resilience that will impact your success not only at work, but in all areas of your life.
  3. What resilient people know and do, that makes them successful.
  4. Practical ways to build your resilience with present and future changes.

Who Should Attend:

This course is designed for anyone who wants to build resilience in their career and workplace.

Instructional Methods:

This course will use a variety of instructional methods, all of which are designed to interact, engage, motivate and have fun.